Making Git faster with Derrick Stolee
We also talk about:
- his career switch from being a professor to become a software engineer at Microsoft,
- what it means to contribute to open-source during your worktime for Microsoft,
- how he improves the speed and performance of such a widely-used and mature software system as Git,
- how to do code reviews via mailing lists,
- and what it takes to become an open-source maintainer.
Derrick’s Twitter account
Website of the Git project
Website of GitGitGadget
appoints Junio Hamano as the Git maintainer Linus
post about the largest Git repository Brian Harry’s

Derrick Stolee, is a principal software engineer at Microsoft who makes sure the Git version control system is lightning fast.
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Read the whole episode "Making Git faster with Derrick Stolee" (Transcript)
Michaela: [00:00:00] Hello, welcome to the software engineering unlocked podcast. I'm your host, dr. McKayla. And today I have the pleasure to talk to Derrik Stolee. Derrik is a principle software engineer at Microsoft and Azure dev ops. He also contributes to get prior to joining Microsoft. Derrick was a professor from a mathematics. If that's not intriguing, I'm super thrilled to hear from his experience, switching careers and working on such a popular open source system. So thank you Derek for being on my show.
Derrick: [00:00:29] Thank you for having me.
Michaela: [00:00:30] So Derek, let's start from the beginning. How comes did you as a former professor are now working for Microsoft as a principal software engineer?
Derrick: [00:00:37] Yeah, I think it's an interesting story in the sense that I. Originally wanted to be a programmer. And that's why I went to college for. And so I did a lot of software engineering and programming courses in undergrad, but I also kind of fell in love with math and advanced math at that same point in which inspired me to say, you know what? I don't want to go into programming right now. At least I can, I can maybe fall back to it later if this academic career doesn't work out. And so I went to grad school and I did postdoc and I got. If faculty position, which was the dream, right. You know, it's so hard to get to that point. And I, and I had a lot of luck getting there, but then after I was there, I was realizing that being a faculty isn't as fun as being a grad student, there's a lot more responsibility, a lot more meetings. And, uh, just the schedule wasn't quite fitting in with what I wanted to do, which I wanted to do, solve cool problems. I wanted to write code to help me solve those problems. And that was becoming less and less a part of my daily life. So I was sharing with my, my spouse that, you know what, maybe this isn't the right career for me. Maybe I should look into doing something else or drastically changing how I'm doing the career. And she decided that she could also maybe decide that you wanted to be in a different institution. So she, uh, went on the job market and found a job here in Raleigh at North Carolina state. And so I said, yeah, let's, let's go for it. And I agree need to move out here without even knowing if I'd have a job. And I was expecting to kind of need to knock and a lot of doors. But I found out that there was a small group here that where Azure dev ops is built here in the research triangle, and they happened to need somebody to do some sort of graph related problems. And I was, I had experienced with graph theory and that fit in really nicely. So they took a risk on me because I wasn't really experienced in building software, in a team, in a professional environment, but I really think that it paid off because I was able to build some really cool stuff here. Yeah.
Michaela: [00:02:44] That sounds really cool. So that was also coming to my mind. If you are a professor for mathematics, you're probably not at the same time. It's sophisticated programmer, but you said that you already built stuff and used code to solve some of your problems that university as well.
Derrick: [00:02:59] Yeah. My research area was I called it computational graph theory or computational combinatorics. So I would look at a math problem. And figure out if I could solve it using it computers as being my proof technique, um, or at least to help me discover things that will lead to deeper proof techniques. So while the entry, it was about super theoretical problems. I was writing a lot of code, but I was doing it by myself. So when I actually started and started working on a team, You know, I was, I was hired for my expertise, which was mature and had a lot of deep knowledge, but also just how to work on a team. I was making a lot of junior mistakes, you know, checking in to master on at 5:00 PM and going home. Without realizing I hadn't run the test suite, you know, those sorts of mistakes kind of happen and you learn how to fix them. Uh, but it was, so that was a, definitely a learning curve in terms of how to interact with a team, how to do code review, uh, how to work with the release cycle, managed life site stuff. But none of those things had I been prepared for. Um, but you know, going to grad school kind of. You know, being very ethical, right. Being able to learn new things is kind of what I've been trying to do for me. Yeah. Years. So hopefully that translated into, I can pick the start sort of step up very quickly. Michaela: [00:04:21] So when you went into the interview, how did you approach that? Did you say I'm actually not that experienced with development or I can learn on the job, or how about that? How, how did you communicate that
Derrick: [00:04:32] started out being very humble, you know, trying to just lead with, you know, I'm really excited about writing code. I definitely, you know, I'm switching careers. I understand that I'm not gonna be doing the same things and I have a lot to learn, but I'm really excited about it. Some of the technologies, you know, C sharp I was familiar with from really early days. Um, but I wouldn't, I knew I was gonna have to learn a lot on the job. And so I was very open about that during the interview cycle, talk to everyone's like, yeah, I'm not expecting to just be able to do a research, like things anymore I'm expecting to contribute. In fact, one person very early in the loop says, you know, Before, every major release everybody gets together and we spend a day during a thing called bug bashing. Or do we just try to break the product and we report a bunch of bugs? Is that something you're willing to do? And I said, yes, absolutely. I want to be a good citizen and contribute to the team. And I get the feeling that that's not the answer they always get from people with PhDs and research background. Michaela: [00:05:34] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I think also my experience and see that there is some, Hm. How to put it, maybe. But some reluctance of researchers to actually do the daily work of developing software. And so I think it's just fair to ask whether or not that's actually something you're committed to and whether that's something that you would want to do. Right. But now that you program on a daily basis, do you think that the work that you did prior to that? So the work you did as theoretical mathematicians shaped your mindset as an engineer, and does it influence how you approach problems? Derrick: [00:06:08] I think it, I think it does, especially when I'm trying to, sometimes sometimes I'm able to say here's a really deep algorithm insight and here's a connection to something that's actually math, but it's not super important that you understand the math it's. Do you understand that it's working correctly? And how do I prove that to my peers? Or how do I break down a problem into pieces? Uh, that's also one of the biggest things to be able to do research mathematics is, you know, I want to prove this big theorem, which is like the big result, but in order to get there, you have to prove a lot of smaller pieces called lemmas that then combined together an interesting way to create the full argument like that breakdown into kind of components is, is very important to be able to isolate how much logic you have to keep in your mind at one time. But then also there's the idea was that after you prove a big theorem, you try to look for things that can be easily proven after that you get your corollaries and in software, I think that's really important. You know, you want to, as you're building to this big finish, have these smaller components that are reusable are testable and can be developed, delivered in a small commit, but then they build that a large piece. But then once you build this large piece, Is that the end game or is there something else you can do? Is, is there now that I have this can something else fall out of that? Michaela: [00:07:35] And so can you tell me a little bit about the interview experience? What do people ask a former professor during an interview? Did you experience a typical interview process with white boarding coding exercises or, yeah. What are people expecting from you? Derrick: [00:07:50] Yeah, the interview process has updated a little bit since the four years ago where I, uh, interviewed, but there's some similarity. And I remember the first part being, uh, uh, over the phone. Well, you know, via computer chat where I was given a programming problem and I was supposed to share my screen and do a text editor to. Actually do the program. And I remember that the problem I was given was actually a homework. I had assigned my C programming students a semester ago, even like, you know, are you sure you want me to solve this problem because it's probably not going to be hard for me. Uh, but they, you know, went through it and they, it was more about. Can I explain the solution and, you know, if there's a, there was a twist at the end, like, okay, now that you've built it this way, for the simple case, let's make it a little bit more complicated. And can you adapt to that change of requirements? I thought that was a very interesting way to take this. What could have been a simple problem, but turning on his head a little bit. And then I got to the onsite interview. There were several of those that I met. I think I met with four people. Um, and I remember at the time I was. Interviewing. I, I talked to four, uh, three principle engineers and one senior engineer, and I was thinking, wow, there's a lot of principal engineers here just turns out. It seems like they were trying to figure out what seniority I should be coming in at because of my lack of experience. So they put their best people on to make sure what I knew. And again, it was a lot of the white boarding, siders problems, sorts of sorts of situation. You know, here's a problem. Explain to me your solution and actually try to write some pseudo code on the whiteboard. And even the whole time I was feeling it, I was like, I think I'm actually well qualified for this specific type of interview because I solve problems all the time. I did programming competitions and undergrad. So I feel like they weren't really necessarily getting to how good of a sound engineer could I be. Uh, and I felt like I was. Unfairly succeeding in those things. But then I got to my optional interview, the one that the very end where it's like, this is the person that's going to do the side. If I did badly at the other ones, they wouldn't even talk to me. Uh, that's usually a common thing. And when I got to that person, they do mostly was. They were asking me the higher order questions, you know, what has your biggest success, Ben? How would you design a system to do something as opposed to show me how you can write code? And so that one, I actually then got very nervous in retrospect. I think I did. Okay. I know they hired me anyway, but I went for awhile thinking, why did they say yes after that interview? But. It worked Michaela: [00:10:31] out. So when you started working at Microsoft, what did you actually start working on? So what is your project that you are contributing to? Derrick: [00:10:39] When I first started, I joined the team that, uh, builds what is now Azure Rebos and working on the get server. And we have our own C-sharp implementation of a good server that is very focused to work in our. Uh, architecture of Azure dev ops, and there were some scale problems we were running into because at that point we had not built it strong enough to withstand the windows repository, which now the windows iOS repository is running and get on Azure repose. And so that was kind of our North star of, we need to make this scale to that size. And at that point we were using just the Azure DevOps code. And some other ones, uh, internal customers, but we were definitely the largest repo at that point. And we were running into scale issues there. And the thing I was hired to do was to fix our commit history story. Uh, there was a really interesting design decision, mostly because this is all built based on top of TFCC. Our team foundation version control was the same team who built that started building the get server and team foundation version control is primarily run through sequel. SQL has all the data and it's very centralized. So it's really easy to use SQL as the centralized source of truth. But then a lot of those architectural decisions transferred over to the good server, including using, trying to use sequel for commit history. And it was a very impressive attempt, but it wasn't, they can never get it to match what get log would output and customers were complaining. And the biggest issue is that commit history in get is an, a graph. It's a directive, basically graph. It is not a linear history and you need to be able to navigate that. And so I was, when I, after I did my first couple of months of getting used to the system and fixing a few small bugs and making sure I knew how to interact with my team, I moved into the, working on that problem and deciding like, what is the solution there? And the solution we came about was to create a compressed. Commit graph that was focused on the structure between the commits. And once you start at one, you can walk the rest very quickly and a lot of algorithms to make those walks be fast, but also just having a new file format. And it wasn't something you could do in SQL. You just have to make a new binary file and have a job that keeps up to date. And that allowed us to do things like when you look at commit history in the web on Azure reposts, you see it in topological order. Uh, that was kind of the thing that we knew was a differentiator. The, the command line has to explore every commit possible. And so even on our small repo, it took seven seconds, but we could do it in 200 milliseconds. And that was kind of the, the, the ground, the start of being able to build these bigger and bigger features to get us to the window scale. Michaela: [00:13:40] Okay. So maybe to give a little bit of context, this was actually the time when windows tried to move over to get and use, get as a source code repository and versioning system. Right. And the problem they ran into was that windows was, or yeah, is too large to smoothly work with guests. So then your team was responsible to help out at that point. And those tweaks that you described plugging into that larger effort of making good work. With windows or windows with get, is that correct? Derrick: [00:14:09] Yeah, so that, I'm just talking about one small piece of a large system that you know is about that. And it was focused very much on in the cloud. How does, how do the cloud servers stay running with so much data that they're processing not, and. Because was also that it grows right. As people are interacting with it, there's the scale of 4,000 engineers are pushing and pulling and all that. But it's also just after a year, they've got millions of commits. And what do we do with that? In parallel, uh, other colleagues on my team, we're building, uh, what is now called VFS forget, which is a tool kind of built around good for the client site experience and making that Michaela: [00:14:52] yeah. The individual pilot system, right? Yeah. Derrick: [00:14:54] A virtual file system. Forget it allows it instead of needing to have every single file. In your source directory, actually be present, have get managed. All of that. It uses a file system driver to act like it has it, all that. So it's kind of projecting what get expects to be there. And so if you look at it and explore, it looks like all the folders are there, but as you start drilling down, we're dynamically populating that data as you go down. And that's how you can take this 3 million file repository at a single checkout. And really you only need maybe 200,000 files out of there. You don't need to have all of them. Michaela: [00:15:31] So are there other projects that you are aware of that are also benefiting from that? So is it something other larger repositories out there could use or is this really, really specific to windows and the repository of Derrick: [00:15:43] windows? I think that there's a lot of things that are specific to windows. Uh, but also, you know, we're working currently with the office team to get them moved over, to get, and they have very similar scale targets. But in terms of those are the only two repos we've seen out in the wild that are big enough to really require that. It's complicated system. And part of that is because, uh, in the process of making this client experience better, a lot of it's just, you need to make, get better in, you know, get as a very core part of this. Yes. We've added a lot of bells and whistles around it or integrated pieces into it. But those have actually gotten into the core products that get is actually so much faster and can handle what other repos are out there. Michaela: [00:16:29] Okay. Can you explain a little bit more to me how the work that you do at get, or get for windows or get from Microsoft fits into the work of the open source project get, how did those two projects connect and well, where do they differ? Derrick: [00:16:44] Yeah. So a couple of years ago I switched teams from the server side into the client side. And part of the goal was, you know, I've got all these ideas and thoughts. We did integrate into the server side and it's like, I wanted to contribute those into the client and make the client faster. And I could see that we were going to have issues on the client side for the, even on the window scale, because we, while the investor get, had all these things to make the amount of data transfer, be less and all these work directory things. I knew that as we grew, we were going to have some problems. So Michaela: [00:17:17] this is not a good client. Derrick: [00:17:19] Yes. So moving over from the service side, into the get client and the get client has, I would say there's a few forks a bit. So if you go to In a good organization that get repo is they get code that is maintained by the get community. And it's, it's reviewed all code is being submitted through a mailing list and it's being maintained by the one maintainer of get who has been maintaining it for many years. Then there, get for windows slash get and they get for windows thing, which is a fork of get that has a lot of extra things just to make sure it works on windows properly, because it was built for Unix machines. There's a lot of assumptions about that and making that all work through a compatibility for windows. Uh, it goes through that repo and that's maintained by my colleague, Johannes gentlemen. He does a great job. And that's where if you were to download, get for windows. You would want to go there a while that gets slash get is mostly cross-platform, you know, it's got the core version. You can install it on the Linux immediately. You can stall on the Mac, even installing the windows. We just might have a few, uh, rough edges. And then we have our Microsoft slash get fork. So in the Microsoft organization on get hub, and that's where our team is running things on top of the get for windows. Uh, patches, things that are specific only tied to VFS forget. Uh, so there's some things that we'll never make upstream because they're really just when we are in this particular environment, we need these patches, but sometimes we just take performance fixes a little bit faster there, but the intention is we want that fork to be as small as possible. So we are trying to, uh, send all of our performance enhancements to the main line, to the core, get project. So that way, everyone who uses get anywhere can benefit from these improvements. Michaela: [00:19:15] Yeah, that actually means you're in a very interesting position. So you work for Microsoft, but not solely for project Chris owns or, um, built, but in contrast, you're working on an independent open source project and the kit and you help well enhance kit and change and develop this open source project. But it should go into a direction that is also beneficial for both Microsoft and the open source community. This means that you have to constantly think about win, win situations and how every stakeholder benefits. How is that reflected in your daily Derrick: [00:19:46] work? Yeah, it's really interesting too. When we could internal our team saying what's our priority list, that's definitely motivated by what what's our next scale target. What issues are internal customers having a, what sort of things do we think, do we need to get ahead of before? They're a problem. But then we need to take those ideas and bring them in, connect them to what, how is the L the community going to respond to these ideas? How can we make them as beneficial as possible for everyone? And so a great example is I took the idea of this commit craft that I built for the server in the C sharp layer and said, we should have this and get as well, uh, without it. These windows developers are going to have a lot of difficulty working with the millions of commits they have, but also let's take a look at, you know, let's take a look at a regular sized repo, like the Linux kernel repository, or just the get code itself. You know, the gate code has 38,000 commits something around that line. That's very small compared to the windows repository, but I was able to demonstrate, Hey, if you use this commit graph file. Even the getrepository will speed up. And you know, it goes from maybe three quarters of a second to a quarter second, but that's enough to notice that a user ran a command and it either responds immediately, or you had to have a pause and then it responds, or in the Linux repo, it's something that took 10 seconds. Now it takes one second. And having that. Be mean that this is going to be a realistic improvement for a lot of engineers. A lot of people working in get that. That's what makes it worth the community's attention. Michaela: [00:21:31] Yeah. One of the things I was thinking about about, because on your Twitter profile, you say you are making get faster, was how you make such a mature and widely used project faster. And it seems that you are really talking about algorithmic changes to the underlying system. Is there something else you do to improve the performance of such an implant? Derrick: [00:21:51] Yeah, the, the, sometimes it's, you know, let's make the code do less, right? Here's a, you know, we have this black box of the get command should do X. And can we make it do X without actually doing as many operations? So is there a, just a, you know, the algorithmic view is can we just modify the order of which we're computing things? The other way is to say, can we do some sort of caching where the commit graph is this thing that if you just run this one command. It'll build it and now it's on desk and now we don't have to do all these parsing, these expensive parsing later. We've kind of pre-computed and save that time and later things. So we're not actually changing how many oppor or how many commits we're inspecting. We're just making that inspection faster. But then there's other things where it's like, well maybe if we just change how it works. Like, maybe it's doing something that it doesn't need to do. Uh, one example is in the status command, if you have a local branch and it's tracking an upstream branch in your remote it'll status will say, Hey, your local branch doesn't agree with the remote. You are a hundred commits behind an eight commits ahead. So you can say, Oh, I know that there's a difference here, but there's also that count. That count. Isn't always super helpful in the sense that especially say the windows repository, where you wait a day and your 10,000 commits behind doesn't matter that you're a hundred commits behind or 10,000. But if you are 10,000 computing, that exact count is really expensive. So, you know, we modified that command to say, well, if you put in this config setting, it'll just say you will differ. I don't know how by how much, but you're just, you don't have the same ref. So maybe you want to rectify that at some point, but it doesn't cost you every single time you run status, do this expensive computation for values you don't really need, but it is changing behavior. The, the, the output is different. Michaela: [00:23:50] Well, so now you're working for several years on the problem of improving the performance of kids. So I wonder, is there still room for improvement? Is there still opportunity for that or are you now looking into other areas? Derrick: [00:24:04] There's absolutely ways to improve it. And you know, one of the big things we're trying to do that. You know, it's been a, kind of a, the whole community has been trying to figure out how to do it. Is that VFS forget one of its the ways it works. We made a custom protocol that you know, is currently only implemented on Azure repose and it doesn't use get to do it. It's just, how can I transfer some amount of objects? But not the whole repository. Like if you do a get clone, you get every single object that those commits can reach and how, how can we make that? So it's not so expensive. Maybe we don't need to do that. And the community had with some Microsoft people and some Google people and other community people have built this idea of called a partial clone where you say, maybe I want to have, I want to do a clone, but I don't want to have any of the blobs. I will ask the blobs as I need them. That would be a dramatic improvement to clone because you don't have to have every version of every file in your repository. When you do a checkout, it'll say, Oh, I don't have this blob. Let me go download it. And that is still being. Uh, maturing on the, in the community. I would say it's one of those things where it, it's definitely the, the next big way to allow vanilla get just regular, get out of the box to scale, but it requires not just the client improving, but the server experience, improving, making sure that the way we're doing these problems can actually scale for that. The services do not fall over when people are asking for all these blobs. And it just changes the way you work with, uh, uh, with gets so much that it needs to go slowly. Michaela: [00:25:45] So, okay. When you say it needs to go slowly, what do you mean by that? Derrick: [00:25:49] Uh, it goes, it goes slowly in the sense that, you know, we had to agree first on what does it mean to be a partial clone? Where, where do we draw the line? And then it's actually been implemented in the client that you could have, you could, could request a partial cologne, and we're at the point where the services are still trying to figure out, you know, how do we. Be able to serve partial clones at scale, and actually be able to turn it on for, uh, for clients. But if you actually just use, get itself to run into patchy web server, you could set up one that has partial clone. It's just might be a little slow. It might have some performance issues on the server side, and we're still trying to track down all these different places where get isn't really good about handling that. That expectation of, I want all my objects because it sucks. I couldn't all be there. And so there's all these usage patterns where it'd be better to ask for this set of objects in a big batch, as opposed to asking for them one by one and get still trying to figure out how to do that. Michaela: [00:26:51] So if I imagined that people are listening in now and they are as excited about algorithms as I am, that they think, how can I contribute to such an interesting project? You also mentioned that Google and Microsoft are working on that project. So who are the other players that contribute to that open source project? And how can others outsiders have their say or be part of that open source project as well? Derrick: [00:27:14] Yeah. So, you know, in addition to people at Microsoft and Google, there's also our colleagues at get lab, get lab, get hub, and all the other places that kind of run get as a server. And there's also just a lot of community members who they're just really passionate about get, and they are very. Uh, present on the mailing list, which is how we do all of our code review and all of our communication about where she gets you go. Uh, you could find out most of that, if you want to just look at what the history and the archive is, you go to public dash in, it has a list of all of our discussions. So it's out in the complete open. You can also join the mailing list and there's some instructions on that inside of the read me forget. Okay. The thing that's interesting is that get doesn't have a backlog. There's nothing where the maintainer says, this is the vision I have forget, or this is what these are the things we've accepted as being the place we want to go with. Get it's more reactionary to people, come with ideas about here's something I think get could improve in. And here's something I, I, I am passionate about. Uh, and that's usually how things get done. Somebody comes in and says, you know, this feature doesn't work the way I want it to, or doesn't work as well. Let me go and try to do something to help. And then the community decides, is that something that is valuable? And Michaela: [00:28:39] do you know, what is the percentage of individual contributors versus contributors of larger organizations? Do you have an idea of the proportion? Derrick: [00:28:48] I would say it's probably, I would, I would guess half and half. I would say there's about half that are, you know, that it's clearly their day job to work on this. And then half where it's just, they are passionate. They work on evenings and weekends and are very vocal about, you know, the things that they care about. Michaela: [00:29:08] Yeah. That is quite an essential number. Actually. Quite a few people are involved in that project. It seems. Derrick: [00:29:15] And I'm sort of thinking about this in, in a weighted sense. Cause not everyone is contributing at the same rate, so there's definitely many more individual contributors in terms of just literal number. But again, because they can't, they can't spend all day every day thinking about it and contributing that they're. Their rate of interaction on the list is, is smaller. Sometimes there's also some individual contributor contributors who contribute way more than even me, because even though it's my job to do that. So, uh, but I would say in terms of the volume on the mailing list, I would say it's half and half. Michaela: [00:29:52] Okay, well, you mentioned already code reviews. So I want to know a little bit more about your engineering practices that you have. So you do apparently do code reviews. How do the work and, well, I know that good actually is driven via a mailing list, like many open source projects. Can you explain a little bit about how to do code reviews via. Well, how does that work? Derrick: [00:30:15] Yeah, it's very interesting that, you know, we use email even though, you know, we, we are building get, but get, has ways of creating patches, uh, email patches based on the commits. So it'll include your commit message, uh, information about who wrote the commit and when, and then it essentially supplies the diff for that commit. And that's what you send up. Now, you can group those patches into a thread of, you know, a patch series include a cover letter, and that's usually how you would do it. And the cover letter can kind of justify here's the full series of commits and what the whole series is trying to do. And that way each individual patch can be self contained, can be small enough for a human to digest it and review it on its own. And. What happens is, is that the email threads sort of starts to expand. You know, people will reply to each individual patch saying this part of the patch could be better or here's, here's a style issue you had, maybe you could write it this way. Hey, I don't understand how this is going. Could you explain it better in your commit message sometimes it's maybe you don't need both of these patches. Maybe you should combine them or this one's too big. You split it up. There's a lot of attention to detail that's for sure. Way more than I've ever experienced on any other project. Uh, because, you know, get is used by so many people that it's really important that it doesn't break and it's built in C you know, which is, uh, uh, it doesn't have any memory management, a, you know, it's, it's very fast, but it can, it isn't very forgiving to programmer mistakes. So having all of these things. Be meticulously looked over is really important. So that way we know that this change that we're making one is, is valuable, but also has low risk. It's low risk as possible. Every change has some amount of risk. But can we find ways to minimize that? Or at least if we have risk localize it to a place, like maybe we hide it behind a config setting for now, and we'll, we'll move that can fixed setting to be default later. Or maybe it's just a, it's just when you have this particular feature and then we'll expand it to use later. Um, how can we kind of limit that? And then also. Do you test it enough? Do you know how deep do you want to go on your testing to make sure that this is going to be covered? And not only it works right now in the building, but a year from now when people have built upon it or change some of the underlying API APIs. So. Maybe the things you're relying on don't work the same way is your, is your feature going to be working correctly? Yeah. Michaela: [00:33:00] Testing is one of the things I wanted to ask you about. So is there some policy around testing, do you have to submit a test with every batch that you submit or how does that work? Derrick: [00:33:09] It really depends. Uh, get, has the overall opinion, is that test should whenever possible be. Uh, user-facing tests in the sense that we're building a real repository and we're running a real get command and expecting certain output. So it's not the typical unit testing you would expect. Michaela: [00:33:28] That's an end to end test. Derrick: [00:33:29] Yeah, I would call it end to end test as much as possible. Uh, there's some limits in terms of, you know, we don't always do big fetches across an HDP connection. Sometimes we'll just do a fetch across your file system. To kind of mimic that, but also demonstrate some other behavior. But the, I means the test suite is really a bunch of shit, all scripts that execute a bunch of good commands. And so we're, there's some limits in terms of how specific those tests can be, you know, can we actually get it to trigger this air conditioner, this assert statement? It's not always possible. Uh, one thing that I did, uh, I think it was last year because I realized that I had accidentally not tested something or the test I had written wasn't actually hitting the code. I thought it was heading, uh, there was some code in the make file to run it with, uh, GCC with the right things, to do coverage analysis. And you could run the test suite and see what had been covered or not. Now, if you run that on the gate code base, you're going to find a lot of lines are not covered. Partly because this philosophy that, you know, we try to cover the main scenarios and some of the error scenarios, but what's valuable is to say like, what, what has been attributed recently that hasn't been covered? You know, have people been writing new code without creating test cases? And so I started creating the test coverage report, which means that every. A few weeks, I run this build and I run test coverage. And then I do the diff between what was master on, you know, two weeks ago. And what is master on now and all of those lines in that diff which aligns are uncovered. So did you change something that wasn't covered before, or do you add a new line and you didn't produce a test case for it? And that's been really interesting to see. Especially as that report's been coming out, how it's been getting smaller. People don't want to be in that report anymore. So people are being very careful to include better test cases and cover all these scenarios and definitely send in the year or so since we started doing this, people have, uh, I think people have been seeing the test cases improve. I definitely have seen the reports get smaller. Uh, there are many fewer uncovered lines being introduced. Michaela: [00:35:50] Yeah. So one of the questions I like to ask you is, are there some differences between how you develop software at Microsoft? So for the projects that are Microsoft internal or completely owned by Microsoft and the good mailing list. So do they, engineering practices differ and if so, in which ways, all Derrick: [00:36:08] right. Yeah. I would say that, you know, when you're working internally on a team, there's, you know, essentially anything you're working on is sort of assume that. This is something that's on the backlog, your team lead, and your program manager have decided this is something important to do. And so, as soon as you create a PR, everyone says, okay, you are working on this. You want feedback? I don't need to say why is this important? Because there's some reason why it's important. Uh, and we just need to work on making that the best version. It can be well, and to get mailing lists every single time you submit code, you have to say, this is some justification for why I did this and why we should take it. No one else in the community has like created a backlog that says, Oh, look, just look here. We've had this on our list for, to do for awhile and no one's gotten around to it. I'm getting around to it. It's I had this idea. I think it's helpful. Here are the benefits for users. Here are the benefits for people in the community. And the other thing about it is that usually the poll request is the unit of a review. I'm reviewing this, this pull request. Make sense. Should I merge it or not? While in the mailing list it's is each individual commit each patch worthy is each patch perfect or as perfect as it can be. And being able to justify small changes with a paragraph of text is a skill that needs that I have been working on and still working on, because it can be very difficult to actually take some change that. Needs to be big in order to make the change you're going for, but then breaking it down into smaller pieces so that people can understand it can digest it all at once. They don't have to just review thousand lines of code. They can, you know, take, you can take that thousand lines of change, split it across 10 commits and suddenly. It's a little bit more digestible. Michaela: [00:37:56] So this means that there is no actual roadmap for the good project so that you can say, well, that's our roadmap. That's where we want to be in two years. Derrick: [00:38:05] Right. Right. That's you know, a junior or the maintainer is very busy just taking in all the input. Like there's plenty of ideas coming in from the community that he's not reaching out for. Hey, let's do this as well. Um, it seems that he's much more about where did the community want to go? He doesn't want to dictate. This is where we're going. He just wants to respond to people's feelings. And you know, what sort of situations are there that we need to resolve now? Uh, very much believing. Michaela: [00:38:34] And so can I imagine that it's decided in the moment, so I'm sending an email and saying, well, I want to improve the performance of that piece, for example. And then it depends on the feedback that I got to this email. So let's say how many years and nays do I get from the community decides whether or not this. Change actually happens or not. Right? Derrick: [00:38:56] Yeah. I guess there's, you know, we can say things like, here's an idea I have, I haven't even started building it. You know, just I'm looking for comments. Is this a good direction to go? And people can respond saying, yeah, I think that's a great idea. You should watch out for this. Here's. Here's why I didn't do that already, because it seems challenging in this way. Or you can say, you know, what I frequently do is I. Quickly build something. I haven't perfected all the patches. And I say, I'm spending an RFC and request for comment saying here's a rough outline of how we could build this. Do people think this is worth building? Uh, do people see problems with my approach? Because I, you know, before I go and start building all these test cases and really polishing and doing a bunch of deep perf work. Is this even an idea that we want to think about. And sometimes people come back and say, no, this isn't actually what we want to do. You know, going this direction would be better. Or, you know, that's just not the way it get works. But sometimes I say, well, yeah, you know, we've had this idea before here's the previous discussion. Even people have found that in the archives, you know, things from 10 years ago that I wouldn't have no reason to unders to know that existed. And they can say, this is why we didn't do it. Then. Can you solve those problems now? Michaela: [00:40:10] So this means that there is only one place and that's the meeting distance. Everything is discussed via this mailing list. And while there is no other place like a board where you, for example, have issues or milestones that the community members can vote or comment or discuss on, it's really just the meeting list. Derrick: [00:40:29] The philosophy I've heard is that if it didn't happen on the mailing list, it didn't happen. But there are other ways of communicating. Um, we have a, an IRC channel, for instance, occasionally people put up, uh, uh, different places where you could submit issues or things. Uh, again, my colleague has made the submission process a lot easier. He built a tool called get get gadget, and it's actually how I submit my patches to the main list. You go to get gadget slash get. And open a pull request there, you know, they get community, doesn't take pull requests, but you can create a pull request and then type slash submit in your comment. And a bot will pick it up, convert those commits into emails, and then send them off to the mailing list for you and even handles versioning. Like if I, if you update it and you say, okay, now I've changed my commits to respond to feedback. I push it again. It'll say, Oh, here's patch series V2. And it's all nicely threaded. It shows a diff from your last one. It's really, really nice. And there he's got a, he's been storing issues as well. Like here's an issue that is maybe somethings for a new contributor or could be helpful, but it's, it's mostly because it's been discussed in the list. He's like, well, let me create an issue for it and links to it on the mailing list saying, you know, if no one's gonna pick this up right now, I've archived it here as well for other people to look at and, and point to. But that's also, that's part of the decentralization of get is that while there's the mailing list is the central point for all of get there's. All these little bifurcations of this sub community talks about it over here, and this subcommittee talks over better over here, but when they want to bring it into court, get they talk it on the mailing list. Michaela: [00:42:16] So the main decision, power lies also in the mailing list and while the community there. Right? Well, one of the things I wanted to know is you're talking about the good maintainer and in general, maintainers of open source project seem to have quite some authority over the decision making process. So how much do you think, for example, the good maintainer has the final say in whether something is going to be implemented in good or not. Derrick: [00:42:43] Yeah. Um, junior Romano is the maintainer and he definitely does have the final say in terms of which commits get into the releases. He, you know, I found that he's been very reasonable to, uh, take ideas that are out there and kind of defer to, to the community. And that's kind of his stance. He is, uh, he has shown and also said explicitly that that's his. His mode is what does the community want? I'm here to facilitate that, not to dictate from above, but to just be the central source of, you know, maybe the final guard in terms of quality, but not necessarily, you know, I don't want that and because I don't want it it's, it's not in its, you know, he'll sometimes voice an opinion. And if enough people say, you know what, this is really important. He will. Probably change his mind as opposed to just given. Uh, but also, I don't think that that happens very often. Like, you know, he doesn't, he tries to let people, one thing I find is that he tries to let other people to review patch series before he gets to them. Partly because there's just such a volume of, of code for him to be able to read it all as it comes in the first time, it'd be better. If somebody comes in and says, Oh, I can find your silly style issues, or I found this performance problem, or here's why you need to rethink it. And then he comes in with his, you know, very deep knowledge and very, you know, very particular to the, get a community knowledge and can find things that no other reviewer would find. But he tries to do that after everything else has polished and he's getting ready to merge it in. And then he has his own method of giving enough cooking time for something to make sure like, Hey, you know, it seems like review is calmed on this. I've got it in this branch. We can do some testing. We can build upon it. Make sure there's nothing weird. And then it finally gets in the master. Michaela: [00:44:34] So that means that every patch via the mailing list is reviewed by the good maintainer and that the patch will never be merged into the code base without his approval. Derrick: [00:44:44] Uh, yeah, I would say that, you know, every single commit outside of the times when he's on vacation and is appointed as some maintainer, if you look at the good code base, he is the committer. Uh, and that's the idea that the committer and author are different is very much a get centric thing because of the way it was designed for this mailing list, sort of a contribution model where the author is the person who submitted the patch. And then the committer is the person who took that patch and created a commit. And so every single thing that gets from the mailing list into the get repo has gone through his computer. And so at least at that sense, he has stamped it as something he's willing to take. Now, sometimes it's, here's a subsystem that I don't know very well that we're really just taking updates from stuff that's been going on elsewhere. Like get gooey is particularly one of those things where it lives in the gut code base, but it's kind of the second tool that isn't critical to the rest of networking. So they get gooey has its own container and just pushes updates. And then a junior takes those. But a lot out of it is, you know, even this change over here, uh, to this one, builtin could have rippling effects to the rest get, uh, he is, I've been amazed at the amount of attention he's been yeah. Able to pay to all of these different changes in all these different areas. Michaela: [00:46:06] And so do you know what is the process of becoming invitation? So if I want to become an open source maintainer, what are the steps I have to take is an open source, maintainer selected or elected. Is there a democratic vote now and then about who should be the open source maintainer of a given project? How does that work? Derrick: [00:46:27] I know for the forget in particular, it was like it was started by Linus Torvalds. And Linus wanted to be able to do more curdle development and not have to maintain get. And junior was there doing lots and lots of that early development of get and knew most of the system and Linus just trusted him to be the maintainer. And that's just how it's been. Uh, he occasionally appoints people who are trusted members of the community to be maintainers when he wants to be on leave. Uh, and those have been people who have been in on the mailing list for years. I have been at trusted opinions in terms of, if that person reviewed it, junior, doesn't need to review it sort of like that quality of person. But I, and then there's also a board of, of people who are kind of, you know, there's some, somewhat of a governing body, which is more about a vote process and that's less about what commits specifically, but where's the good community want to go? Things like protecting the, get trademark. And who, who is, who is paying for the, which has all our documentation on it. That that board is, is democratically alive. It did. If you wanted to become an open source maintainer. The thing you need to do is build an open source project. And, you know, I'm technically a maintainer of several repos I put on GitHub, but you know, they're more of a toy toys that I've put and yes, people could go contribute to them and I'd probably pay attention, but I'm not actively pursuing a community. Like I'm trying to build a community around it. If you really want to be a maintainer of a community. It's how do you actually attract new people to your project? How do you get people to use it enough to care? And that's really tricky. Michaela: [00:48:11] Okay. But yeah. So coming back to the maintainer and the role of a maintainer, can I imagine a maintainer similar to a founder of a company? So there is sort of a belonging of that open source project to the maintainer, because he said, if you want to be a maintainer, then you have to start your own open source project. So somehow the maintainer owns the open source project. Is that something that you could take away from the maintainer. Derrick: [00:48:37] Uh, you know, if you wanted to make a forklift, get, you could, you know, it's all open source. It has GPL license. So you can always create a fork of get. And in some sense, that's what we've done with good for windows. Right. Good for windows is a fork of get your harness is the maintainer. Uh, but he's also similarly just, he's just trying to make sure that get works as best as he can for windows. If there's a fix, that's actually a good fix. It goes back into core kit and he's also been working really hard to reduce the distance between those two forks. And so you can always create a fork. The question is, will anyone care? So in a sense that we do have free and open software and get, but if you want to be on the version that is getting all the fixes, that's getting all of the improvements. You should move along with the community as much as possible. Michaela: [00:49:27] Well, yeah, I definitely agree. The community, the healthy community is super important. So I'm not suggesting to take over an open source project, like a pirate ship. Right. So, well, I think we've covered really a lot. Um, is there something that you want to say to round up that interview in a good way? Derrick: [00:49:44] Uh, I guess I just want to mention that, you know, the gay community is working really hard to, uh, be more open to new contributors. We find that it can be really difficult for especially young contributors who maybe don't have as much experience in see, or have never worked with code review on a mailing list before. And they're used to, they've always been growing up doing pull requests as their model, uh, that can be really daunting to people. But in the community, you've had a lot of discussions about how can we improve that environment for the new contributor gate gate gadget is one of those tools that help help us along, but we're also working on just how can we be more welcoming to new contributors? How can we pair off people with mentors? And so if you're interested in contributing to get, please get in contact with me or, you know, just chime in and then get mailing lists saying, Hey, I'm new. I'd like to get started. Oh, the one thing to keep in mind is that we don't have a backlog to then say here's yeah. Quick issue outside of these, this replaces. But if you have something where you have not only the desire to contribute to get, but you have a specific direction you'd like to get to go in or a specific feature you'd like to make better. We're definitely welcome to new people and we would love to see your ideas. Okay. Yeah, Michaela: [00:51:01] that sounds good. Great. So thank you Derek, for being on my show, it was really lovely to talk to you and learn so much about good and open source. Thank you so much. Derrick: [00:51:11] Oh, thank you for having me. It's been great. Michaela: [00:51:13] Yeah. Bye. Bye. Derrick: [00:51:15] Bye. Michaela: [00:51:16] I hope you enjoyed another episode after sup engineering unlocked podcast. Don't forget to subscribe. And I talk to you again two weeks. Derrick: [00:51:27] Bye. Michaela: [00:51:30] Hey, if you like this show kind of help me spread the word. You can also rate it on iTunes. Thanks so much.
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